Saturday, August 24, 2013

The future

           What is the future of  earth?

Whether we deserve this earth? Or whether earth deserves us?
My answer is no,earth doesn't deserve us.It deserves much more.It deserves a 'better' species than homo sapiens.
The current situation of mankind provokes me to think that,whether mankind is the beautiful creation of God?
If u analyse the present,you'll surely node your head for a big 'no'.
What we want to prove?Man is trying his best to keep alive the fear and violence in this earth.We are trying our best to use the technology to harm others.
We invented a lot,we discovered a lot,from nano technology to big bang,we were just incredible!
But,what is the use?We are in a hurry to destroy earth-our beautiful home!
If a diamond is given to a blind,will he ever know its value? It is just a stone for him.We,the blind,think that we're the greatest creation,the crown of this universe!!
Ah! it exasperates me,when ever we praise ourselves !
Will we succeed in defeating our ego before it is too late? A question,that has to be answered from each and every man of this planet.
Dear God,I'm very sorry to say this ,that we,the homo sapiens were not up to your expectation.We just lost the battle to our ego.You must be expecting a lot-a peaceful planet.But we found 'violence' more interesting than your 'peace'.
We failed,we failed.Dear God,please don't expect anything from us !